Daily Mom features LOVO


25 Delicious Sweet Snacks That Will Satisfy Your Inner Child

"Looking for delicious and indulgent sweet snacks that satisfy your sweet cravings? Look no further than LOVO Chocolate’s variety pack! This assortment of plant-based milk chocolates is perfect for any chocolate lover looking to indulge in high-quality, vegan and gluten-free sweet treats. The variety pack features four different flavors, including Almond Milk, Coconut Milk, Hazelnut Milk, and Oat Milk Chocolate. Each flavor has a unique blend to make your taste buds tingle!

What sets LOVO apart is are the first-and-only brand to create a line of milk chocolate bars featuring a variety of plant milks. Made in Switzerland, the home of milk chocolate, LOVO is not only delicoius tasting, but better for the planet, too. The bars are Rainforest Alliance & myclimate certified and every wrapper is fully recyclable."